House – Spot 3

Skills: Listening Speaking

Topics: House

Rooms Spot the Difference | Printable PDF

Look at the pictures of the two houses. Can you spot the differences in each room?

Have your student point to or circle the differences between the pictures. What are some other things you see in the picture?

How do spot the difference activities help your student?

Spot the difference activities are excellent tools for developing minds. Activities like this challenge students to develop attentiveness, or the ability to focus closely on a task.

In addition to using visual skills, focusing on tasks prepares young learners for being in the classroom while having fun! Parents and teachers can use these activities to practice English by:

  • Having students describe what they see
  • Making sentences with vocabulary from the activity
  • Having students identify other objects in the picture

Cognitive skills in use

This resource is great for students to apply a wide range of skills. Spot the difference activities use:

  • Visual skills
  • Attention building
  • Memory

For more worksheets and activities, go to our learning resources page!